Brenda would like to say thanks to some very special people:
Sue Winn and her mom, Mrs. Jentner, who realized Brenda needed a day with loving friends and a little fun, and three very special puppy dogs to cuddle. Thank you Sue for being there and listening when I needed a shoulder.
Ann Boyce who stayed with me by email every day through tears and messages of love. Ann recently lost her mom also and grieves right along with me. She helped me realize it is OK to cry and grieve. I love you dearly.
Kirk and Sue Burmeister for taking the time to drive from Dayton and meeting me for lunch.
All of our friends and family who sent flowers and made generous donations plus the notes on My brother Ron, sister Joan, and I really appreciated the show of love.
Somewhere up above there’s a campground cat named Fido who loves a warm lap and a soft voice. We’d like to think that Fido is curled up in mom’s lap right now, welcoming with a purr her new friend. Rest in peace, mom.