This is the travel diary of Keith and Brenda Krejci, who since November 2005 have lived in their motorhome and traveled the country. When first married, Brenda would ask Keith a question, and if he didn't know the answer, would tell him "I married you because I thought you were perfect", to which Keith would reply "I never said I was perfect, just damn near" And so, after 53+ years together they've become, at least for each other, the Damn Near Perfect Couple.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
San Marcos, Texas
We left Fort Huachuca a few days before Thanksgiving and once again turned east on I-10. Our first stop was Las Cruces, NM, where we always stop for dinner at La Posta, a historic restaurant just down from the RV park in the old town of La Mesilla. It was interesting to us that Judge Roy Bean, who became famous as the "law west of the Pecos", operated a freight line from what is now the restaurant. We seem to run into his name throughout the west; we passed again through Langry later in the trip, where the state has restored the Jersey Lilly Saloon (see our Jan 06 Blog), and last May visited Pinos Altos, a small town north of Silver City where he also operated a freight office. High on a hill west of Las Cruces, we stopped at a rest area where we noticed this huge Roadrunner; it wasn't until we walked up close that we realized that the entire sculpture was made of junk! Looking close, you'll see pots, pans, shoes....all sorts of stuff held together withwhat looks like chicken wire. See if you can find the spatula! It's one of those roadside oddities that is worth stopping to see.
Leaving New Mexico, we passed through El Paso, turned south at Van Horn, and passed through Marfa (Jan 07 blog), stopping at Alpine for the night. The next day we crossed the Pecos River and stopped at a scenic overlook high above the river and bridge, then drove through Del Rio and spent the night at Uvalde. On Thanksgiving Day, we pulled into our current location in San Marcos & still had time to visit Cracker Barrel for a nice turkey dinner. Although many of you know my aversion for Cracker Barrel, there weren't a lot of choices (my vote for "Whataburger" was overruled by Brenda), and it actually quite good. We're settled in now and are looking forward to exploring the area and visiting all of the holiday activities. We'll be heading for the San Antonio Riverwalk this weekend. Yesterday we made a trip to Randolph AFB, just outside of San Antonio where Brenda traded coupons for groceries at the commissary. It's a beautiful base, best known for the wing headquarters building known as the "Taj Mahal". It was a beautiful day; high 70s and sunny, and we even had time for lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. We're looking forward to more warm days and chances to explore - stop back and see where we've